Parker Ridge

Time: 2 Hours

Distance: 5 km return (Out and back)

Elevation Gain: 250 metres

Access: Situated along the Icefields Parkway this short hike is around 2 Hours and 15 Minutes from Banff and 1 Hours 30 Minutes from Jasper making it the perfect stop off if traveling between the two.

Parker Ridge is a short but worthy hike, I mean where else in the world can you walk for under an hour and feel like you're on top of the world? The main reason to venture up this route is to get an unspoilt view of Saskatchewan Glacier and the valley below. The trail is wide, well maintained and obvious making the approach to the ridge line from the car park nice and easy, I'd be impressed if you went wrong! 

We set out on this hike for the views but the low clouds had other ideas, although they blocked the view at first they did add an extra layer of mood and mystery.

AJ walks above the clouds on the Parker Ridge Trail.

AJ walks above the clouds on the Parker Ridge Trail.

However the clouds did eventually clear and we got the view we were after, if you aren't so lucky you can always enjoy spotting the wildlife instead!


This trail is heavily trafficked by families and tourists, so I recommend heading out early, we arrived at 9am and happened to be the first car there so it is worth starting that road trip to Jasper just a little earlier to enjoy the serenity to yourself. 

For another easy but amazing hike option whilst in Jasper check out Sulphur Skyline.